Always Crashing is a magazine of fiction, poetry, and nameless things around and in-between. Issue One may be ordered via IndieBound, the Seminary Co-op, or Amazon, as well as through local retailers outside the US. $12 US; other prices other places.

Issue One Contains

Elise Blackwell

Leap into the Void

Christian TeBordo

The Star Thrower-Thrower

Matthew Kosinski

Always a Tank
Pocketmouth / Birdtalk

Michael Martone


Meghan Lamb

All Your Most Private Places

Dan Brady

Like a Shadow
He Said, She Said

Gabriel Blackwell

Wittenstein Reads
The Varieties of Religious Experience

Anne K. Yoder

These Walls Are Falling

Derek Mong

The Environmentalists

Lucia Damacela

Alice Dialogues with a Dead Modernist Ecuadorian Poet

Adam Golaski

From Notes on

Ori Fienberg

Selections from the Book of Answers