


Always Crashing is a magazine of fiction, poetry, and nameless things around and in-between. We publish one print issue per year and feature online content year-round. We are headquartered in Chicago and Pittsburgh.

Always Crashing is reader supported: we do not charge submission fees from writers, and we receive no institutional support. Work from Always Crashing has been selected for inclusion in Best Microfiction 2019 and The Best Small Fictions 2019.

Subscribe for free to our email edition to receive new work, along with news and updates, in your inbox every two weeks.


Jessica Berger, James Tadd Adcox, and Andrew Farkas

Managing Editor

Helenmary Sheridan


Emily Kiernan, Matthew Kosinski, Gesina Phillips

SUBSTACK/EMAIL EDITION: alwayscrashingmagazine.substack.com

TWITTER: @acrashing

FACEBOOK: facebook.com/alwayscrashing